- Chemotherapy
- Immunotherapy
- Targeted Therapy
- Palliative Care
- Day Care Centre
- Paxman Scalp Cooling
- Bone Marrow Evaluation
- Lymphapress
- Genetic Counselling
- Home Healthcare
- Clinical Research
- 2nd Opinion Clinic
- Psycho-Oncology
- Multi-Disciplinary Tumor Board-MDT
- Onco Nutrition
- Onco Physiotherapy
- Medical Tourism
- Yoga & Wellbeing
- Patient Support Group
- Crowd Funding

Onco Nutrition
A topic everyone has a say about but only the professionals can guide you with the right advice. Food and diet for a cancer patient is often clouded with trends, fad diets, remedies and myths circulating around without a strong backbone of research or even basic science. While a patient is overwhelmed trying all of them, their nutritional requirements are often compromised and the body is deprived of essential nutrients required during cancer treatment leading to malnutrition. A patient’s diet is one of the critical factors that needs to be evaluated and screened for right from the detection of malignancy. Lifestyle change can help the patient in tremendous ways. From physical activity, water intake, moderation in sugar consumption and processed foods are a few examples which can even prevent cancer to start with.
Nutrition plays a significant role when it comes to preventing and curing cancer. A patient’s nutritional status have to be carefully assessed to fabricate a diet plan that aids in recovery. Cancer patients may suffer from alterations in sensory reflexes like taste and smell. Furthermore, appetite changes can be observed along with fluctuation in blood parameters. Body’s ability to digest or even ingest food is affected depending on the location of tumour, organ affected and metastasis. All these symptoms result in weight and muscle loss, eventually leading to malnutrition if action is not taken at the correct time.
This can act as an obstacle in the treatment process because it weakens the patient’s ability to fight disease effectively, ultimately decreasing their quality of life. While all the nutrients, both macro and micro, are essential for healing, protein requirement significantly rises in case of malignancy. Inadequate protein intake leads to muscle loss, and lack of other nutrients in the body may cause a deficiency that can hamper recovery. Though every patient requires food from each dietary group, the amount they need differs depending on the individual. And so appropriate nutrients in desired quantity and even consistency are essential for healing.
at Noida Oncocare Centre, each unit is equipped with an Onco-nutritionist who guides the patient and caregivers with the right diet during cancer treatment. A tailor-made and individualised diet based on the patient’s ongoing treatment, medical history, and other factors. Help in the area of food and nutrition is always present with symptomatic solution for side effects or difficulties faced by the patient during chemotherapy. Providing variations in the diet and quick decision-making when a patient’s nutritional needs are not met or when to suggest an alternative route of food administration is critical. A dietician is someone who, through their expertise and knowledge of food and nutrition, works with a multidisciplinary team along with caregivers to counsel patients about medical nutrition therapy and help meet their nutritional requirements.
Cancer is a tough battle to fight, but with the right diet and nutritional guidance, patients can give themselves the best chance at survival and recovery. A well-balanced diet helps fight the disease and ensure a healthy recovery.